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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Our Field Trip to the Planetarium

Last week we traveled to the planetarium at Carmel High School. It was a lot of fun!  Here most of us are here waiting outside the high school:

 Once inside the high school, we saw some familiar faces!  We saw our former cadet teacher, a ESE counselor, and one of our subs.  Who knew in that a school full of thousands of students we would run into the two we know!

Once inside the planetarium, Mr. Turner taught us a lot about objects in the sky.  We learned how the earth spins, or rotates and this causes day and night.  We learned that Earth is just right for life. Things can grow, water can be in a liquid form, and the air is breathable.

We learned a little about the sun, too.  We learned that the sun is a star, and it's huge!  We learned that the sun doesn't move, although it looks like it does.  That's because the earth moves.  We learned other things about stars as well.  For example, stars don't have pointy shapes; they are round like the sun.  Also, stars are always in the sky.  We just can't see them during the day because it is so bright. Finally, we learned a little about the moon, too.  We talked about how we can sometimes see the moon in the daytime sky.  Cool!

I tried taking a couple of pictures, but since a planetarium is dark, they didn't really turn out.  I did get a picture of the robot that helped Mr. Turner during his presentation.
Ask your child about the robot's name.  Also, ask your child which part was his or her favorite and what they learned.

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