Our class participates in a voluntary book club offered by Scholastic. You may have seen book order forms like these come home today:
Here is how you can do it online. First, go to our classroom website and click on the book club order link. Don't forget to keep the class code handy; you will need it! (You can click on the picture to make it larger).
Once you are on Scholastic's site, log-in or register. You will need our classroom code.Once you are logged-in, you'll see a screen like this:
Follow the screen directions to check out. Your child's order will be sent to me along with the other book orders just like normal. I will then send your order home with your child.
There are benefits to ordering online:
*if the book order papers became lost, you can see everything online
*you can use a credit card
*we earn free books for our classroom library for every online order
Please email me and let me know if you need additional help in ordering online. Remember, this is optional.